Be Good Project

Most Southern folks have heard it before. You're about to leave the house and someone (most likely your pop) tells you to "Be good.” We all know what they meant - behave yourself. Be good. Make good decisions. As an adult, I can't help but think of the John Lewis quote, "Never ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble." To "be good" takes on a whole new meaning when you realize that true goodness is rooted in caring for others; despite & because of our differences. Goodness moves. Goodness protests. Goodness walks a mile in another's shoes. Goodness gets in trouble. At the center of all my personal, political, and spiritual beliefs lie one simple truth - we need to take care of each other.

As a small business & one person just trying to make a living and do her best, I've decided to take "Be good" and make it a motto that represents the type of good I want to see in the American South.  A region long held hostage by classism, racism, & backward politics.

It's because of all this that I've decided to donate 10% of my profits to southern based communities & organizations that help uplift those who need it the most. 

Be good. Do what you can.

Current Recipient